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Just Got Better.

New Name. Same Standards. Exceptional Results.
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In a world where technology is fast advancing, internet searches have become a standard for each and every investigative matter.  Such information is available in many places on the world wide web to those, such as our specialist, who know where to look and, more importantly, how to conduct proper queries.

IRG has a specialist accredited through the Ontario Police College in the art of internet research.  He  is capable of uncovering information not normally found through conventional searches online.  Results could include employment information, “under the table” earnings, salary disclosures, social network profiles, incriminating photos and statements, current and upcoming activities and criminal name a few.  Searches delve beyond Google and Facebook into deep web platforms where a vast amount of information lurks; such sites could include archive databases, website registration and programming information, search engines, people finder sites, professional profile databases and much more.

Internet evidence has greatly helped our clients in monitoring stay-at-home employees, formulating effective decisions on suspected insurance fraud cases, and has successively assisted corporate clients in court battles, industrial espionage circumstances and business competition matters. 

Our IRG Specialist has been a field investigator for over 8 years and has worked in the private investigation field for over 11.  IRG recognizes and promotes the importance, and necessity of conducting pre-screening online before carrying out further investigation.  This pro-active approach to investigations has allowed IRG to continue to be a leader in the investigation industry, coordinate surveillance more diligently, thereby maximizing results and saving clients money. 

Please feel free to contact us for a free consultation.


We're proud to announce that we have been acquired by Investigative Solutions Inc. (ISN).  To see how this acquisition will enhance our customer experience, please see our official announcement.

To learn more about ISN, visit the ISN webpage.